Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day Five- Cochran 2009 Southeast Tour

BEACH DAY!!!! We have been waiting for this day for a long time. I am just so sad that it has come and gone already. The rain had us a little worried, but it really wasn't a big deal, just a few drops here and there. I had such a great time with the kids! Ava and I went in the ocean first. I have never heard her giggle so much. It was so sweet. Then the water got in her mouth and that was the end of that for Ava. But she dug and dug and dug in the sand! The rest of us were out in the ocean and there she sat digging. She LOVES finding shells. We have 2 buckets full right now and hopefully can go out again tomorrow morning for some more. Blake loved the water too despite the "horrible taste". Him and I went way out and floated for a while. It was just awesome. With your back turned toward the "beach" all you see is nothing but water. It really makes you stop and appreciate things a whole lot more and realize what an awesome God He really is! After supper we hit the beach again. Ava digging for more shells and Ryan and Blake looking for Lord only knows what in the ocean late at night. Well the Lord gave them 5 crabs and a little fish. Ryan only got bitten twice. I can't believe that I am actually sitting on the balcony of our room typing this out and listening to the ocean. I never want this moment to end. Until tomorrow~

Ava and one of her prized possessions, a shell.

Blake totally loving the water.

Ryan and Blake's newest friend. And no, he is not coming home with us.

1 comment:

ichoose_joy said...

OMG!!! I cannot believe they loved the ocean. I know they love bath time and all, but the ocean can be scary! Glad you all loved it!!